Aria Farin Jaam shipping company with more than one decade of its professional activities as one of the dynamic companies in the shipping industries is proud to use very experienced and veteran staff and an up spread communication network and its efficient agents worldwide offers the following services:

  • Ocean transportation by using cross stuff service via UAE & Turkey.
  • Ocean transportation in bulk & break bulk from all around the world ports to Iran and vice versa.
  • Dangerous & refrigerated cargo transportation from all around the world ports to Iran and vice versa.
  • Multi modal and combined transportation by using different modes of transportation.


Today more than 90% of the world’s cargo is transported by the sea and the reason is the different advantages which this method has comparing with the other transport systems because of the cheapest way to transport cargos and the most ideal way for the large quantity products.


  • FCL (Full Container Load).
  • LCL (Shared Or Less Than a Container Load).
  • Bulk transport.


 FCL (Full Container Load)

Is the time the cargo consigner has a full container of carry able one in which the consigner gets a full container from the shipping company and fill it out with his/her own products and give it to the shipping company to transport and even if the container is not completely full, but is sent by just one consigner, it will be considered FULL CONTAINER or FCL cargo and with the same reason in the sea bill of loading you can see the phrase of “it’s shipper load, stowed and count.”


LCL (Shared or Less than a container load)

Using the shared container transport is proper for the different small cargos and these types of small products can not usually be placed in one container due to the quantities and weights and the spaces they need inside one individual container and the cargo owner usually pays for the space used by cubic meters, therefore it’s a very economical way to transport the small cargos and the other ways of cargo transports (LCL) are as below:


FCL and LCL: when there is only one consigner but several cargo receivers.  

LCL and FCL: when there are several consigners but only one receiver.

LCL and LCL: when there are several consigners and several receivers.


Bulk sea transport

The cargos which are transported without packing and in a bulk way and they are usually transferred by particular ships.


 Dry bulk carriers

These types of ships usually have an active engine in the back of the ship body where there are some big warehouses specified for the bulk cargos and are usually empty with one floor seems like a funnel and their doors are on the ship decks and these kinds of ship can carry the heaviest cargo like the Crain in the whole world.


 Liquid bulk carrier:

They usually call these types of ships tanker, and the different kinds of them are:

  • Oil carriers which carry the liquid bulk cargos like the oil tankers.
  • Liquid gas carriers which are used for the transport of LNG and LPG gas. 
  • Chemical carriers which carry the chemical cargos.
  • Different types of the sea carriers: 
  • Sea transfer with the cross stuffing way.
  • Sea transfer with the transshipment way.


 Sea transfer with the cross stuffing way

This trend is used when the cargos are carried by and replaced by different ships and the containers are from one ship to another one and even in different times from one container to another one.

In the past when there was no possibility of the ships’ flanking, because of the huge sizes of the ships, they used to use the cross stuffing methods for breaking the big cargos in small pieces replacing cargos in different smaller size ships and carrying them to the destination ports, but these days the cross stuffing trend is used for the cargos which are sanctioned or the shipping company is not able to do the direct transport services to that country in these cases they can use the cross stuffing to do the imports and exports for those countries.


Sea transfer with the transshipment way

Nowadays the transportation and any trading is effected by many factors, sometimes the cargo might not be transportable and transmittable directly to the destination country, therefore the merchants transport their cargos to a middleman country and then they transfer them to the destination country.

This system is called transship and is usually used to lower down the transport expenses and going around the sanctions against the destination country and is one of the sublets of transit.



This expression was published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) to be known as an international trading expressions and today INCOTERMS are officially accepted all over the world.

It clears all the commitments among the buyers and the sellers and avoid every confusion in the international contracts and it should also know that some of these regulations are used for all kind of (sea, air, land, rail and hybrid) transportations and some are particularly for the sea transport.


 • Dangerous cargo transportation

Dangerous cargo normally is a cargo which has the internal dangers or innate ones that can hurt the human health and environment and for the transfer, loading, discharging and maintaining of these cargo types there might be a blast or firing and make the people’s health, properties and environment dangerous. 

Because the maintenance of the dangerous cargos needs a special care and more protections, it is quite important to determine the rules and criteria for the transport of dangerous cargos.

There are different bylaws for the transports of different methods of sea, air and land dangerous cargos and these bylaws and regulations are regulated for the protection of all materials and people who are usually directly involved like the loads and the shippers or people who might indirectly be involved like the cadre members and people.

For knowing the dangerous cargos there is a 4-digit numbers for each product where these numbers and codes are called the UN codes and specify the amount of danger for each product and by knowing these codes we can achieve lots of information for this kinds of cargo’s transfer, packaging, etc.


• The bylaws related to the dangerous products transportation (IMDG)

With the increase of needing the dangerous products transport in the sea society, it was necessary to draft equal regulations concerning this matter, therefore after different copies of SULAS in the years of 1928 and 1948, the creating of IMCO convention was approved by the United Nations and decided to prepare equal regulations and forming a special international signs.  

In 1956 a committee consists of experts in the United Nations provided a report which was covering the transportation rules frame for these types of products which was later called “The Orange Book”.

This book became the basis for the regulations which was later on used for the transport of dangerous products after the approve of IMCO convention creation. (Consultative Maritime Intergovernmental Organization) in 1948 and was in force in 1958 and after its approval IMCO was changed to IMO.

(Maritime International Organization) and in the first diplomatic conference, the 4th  SOLAS copy was approved (1965) and prescribed to prepare a bylaw about the dangerous products transportations.

This blue bylaw (Code IMDG) was prepared until 1965 and was approved by IMO in this year and was called the BLUE BOOK, this blue book or bylaw was taken from the general rules and regulations which had to very important conventions, one of them was Avoiding the Sea pollution or (MARPOL (73/78) and the second one was Solas convention in 1960 and its blue copies are Solas 1974.

In the beginning the dangerous product bylaws were only as recommendatory but finally from the beginning of 2004 they went in force and by this approval there became an evolution in the dangerous product protections and these approved bylaws became a normal regulation for the sea transportations.


• Categorizing the dangerous products

The dangerous products according to their danger are divided into 9 classes:

1- Explosive materials:

These explosive materials are normally forbidden to transport by airplanes like TNT, bombs or dynamites, missiles, firework materials and gunpowder.

1.1) Explosive materials

The materials or products which have massive explosive danger.

REX: cargo-IMP code

Like TNT and some of the mines and munitions and warlike weapons. 




1.2) Explosive Materials

The materials or substances which have the slat, but not massive explosions.

REX: cargo-IMP code

Like some of the mines and munitions and warlike weapons.



1.3) Materials and substances which have the danger of firing or bursting and slating but do not have massive explosive danger.

RGX, RCX, REX: cargo-IMP code

Like nitroslolez and some of these like training ammo.


1.4) Explosive Materials

The materials or products which do not show any significant danger from themselves.

RXS, RXG, REX, RXD, RXC, RXB: cargo-IMP code

Like some of the training ammos, spring guns, warning ammos, safe screw wick and some of the squibs and etc.



1.5) Explosive Materials

The items and materials which have a little sensitivity but massive explosions.

REX: cargo-IMP code

Like many of the mines and warlike ammos.



 1.6) Explosive Materials

The products and materials which have very little sensibilities but massive explosions.

REX: cargo–IMP code

Like many of the mines and warlike ammos.


2- Gases:

 2.1) Flammable gases

These are the gases when mixed with the air, make a combination of flammables.

RFG: cargo-IMP code

Like butane, hydrogen, propane, steeling and the lighter gas. 



 2.2) Inflammables gases–untoxic gases

Any inflammable gases- poison less or liquidated cold gas.

Cargo–IMP code: RNG, RCL

Like deoxidcarbon, neon, extinguisher, helium or liquid nitrogen.



 2.3) The gases which are poisoner or corrosive and endanger the human’s health.

Cargo-IMP code: RPG

Like the poisoned light sprays, tearing gas (most of the poisoned gases are forbidden for air transports).



3- Flammable liquids:

Any liquid from which the steamed Ignition point is 60 closed-up centigrade or less.

Cargo-IMP code: RFL

Like alcohols, the flammable colors and some of the labels.




4- Flammable solids:

4.1) The Flammable solids

Any solid substance which gets fire easily or it might create firing due to frisks.

Cargo-IMP code: RFS

Like matches, sulfur, celluloid, nir and naphthalene.



 4.2) The self-flammable substances

These substances get warm by themselves or by connecting with air.

Cargo-IMP code: RFS

Like yellow or white phosphor and diamond magnesia.

 4.3) The substances which get dangerous with reaction of water and might enflame spontaneous and stream some flammable gases from themselves.

Cargo-IMP code: RFW

Like calcium carbide, sodium and potassium.


5- Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides:

5.1) Oxidizing substances

The substances that free the oxygen easily and help firing other substances.

Cargo-IMP code: ROX

LIKE nitrate ammonium, calcium chlorate and whitening substances.


 5.2) Alee peroxides

Alee substance (solid or liquid) which very easily get burned with an external flame and then continue burning rapidly.

Some of this kind of substances react each other very dangerously.

Cargo-IMP code: ROP

Like hydro peroxide treat-butyl and the hardening fiberglass repair kits.



6- Toxic & infectious substances:

6.1) the liquids or solids that can be dangerous by breathing, eating or the skin contact.

Cargo-IMP code: RIS

Like arsenic, nicotine, seated, pesticide killer and strokonin.



 6.2) Infectious substances

The substances which are the illness causes in the normal mode and create different diseases in humans and animals.

Note: The infectious substances are divided into two categories:

A- The infectious substances which have the death danger.

B- The infectious substances which only have the disease danger.

Cargo-IMP code: RIS

Like some of the laboratory’s samples, some of the biological products and the lab and hospital trashes.


7- The Radioactive materials:

The radioactive materials are the sorts of materials which produce the alfa, beta and gama rays and because of being extremely dangerous, they have particular rules and regulations for transports and warehousing with special labeling.

White radioactive substances

Radioactive substances are explained with a low radiation in the packing level zero index (TI=0).

Cargo-IMP code: RRW



Yellow radioactive substances

Yellow radioactive II

Their radiation is more than the first group and the transfer index is explained to be between 0.1 to 1.

Cargo-IMP code: RRY


Yellow radioactive III

Their radiation level is explained more than the and the transfer index is between 1 to 10.

Cargo-IMP code: RRY


8- Corrosive substances:

Liquid or solid like the battery acid, mercury, sulfuric acid which will cause a serious harm with a live tissue or in case of transmission with other products or transport tools, will harm them too much and possibly destroy them. 


9- Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles, including environmentally hazardous substances:

Miscellaneous dangerous substances

Any substances which create harms during the air transport and is not included in the other above classes and cover the dangerous liquid and solid for anesthetizer products and similar ones like some solid ice which can be harmful to the ship crew and delay them from doing their activities.




• Labeling the dangerous material boxes


1- The product real name and UN number.

2- The sender’s profile.

3- The receiver’s /consignee’s profile.

4- The packaging profile.