Aria Farin Jaam
Freight Forwarding Co.
Sunday, 18 September 2022 13:11

Bulgaria ,Sofia to Iran ,Tehran

Published in Road

Iran and Bulgaria have signed six Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) to boost cooperation in different fields, including ports and maritime transport, postal services, trade, meteorology, and standardization policies.


The agreements were signed during a meeting between Iran’s visiting Minister of Roads and Urban Development Mohammad Eslami with Bulgarian senior officials, including Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, in Sofia on Thursday.

During the meeting, the two sides also explored the avenues for widening cooperation in other fields such as energy, agriculture, information technologies, youth and sports, and tourism.

Borissov said that Iran is a traditional partner in the Middle East region, and Bulgaria attaches great importance to the development of its relations with that country.

The traditionally good cooperation in the area of transport should be activated, he underscored.

The Bulgarian official said his country welcomes a continuation of the discussions on the options for developing the Greece-Bulgaria-Black Sea-Georgia-Azerbaijan-Armenia-Iran transport corridor, which creates opportunities for effective and reliable freight transport between the Middle East countries and the Central and East European countries.

At this summit, Mohammad Ali Hassanzadeh as the Deputy Director of Port and Economic Affairs of the Ports and Maritime Organization conducted special talks and held joint meetings with his Bulgarian counterpart, finalizing and signing the Memorandum of Understanding on Ports and maritime Relations between the two countries.



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